Blog Post Module 1: Reflection Prompt

I would explain evolution as a adaptions or changes that develop over different periods of generations. I find evolution very hard to study since we are not given a constant set of changes to look for. I always find myself arguing with the phrase, “survival of the fittest”, because I immediately think species would have to be stronger, faster, and have the ability to overpower those around them. While I do take those qualities into account, I would argue how that shouldn't be the main focus of what evolution truly is. I do believe evolution goes hand in hand with the advancement of species surviving, but the term “fittest” can be interpreted different ways. I think that in some environments animals need to be a certain color or size in order to survive, however, just because one animal is brown and the other is red doesn’t exactly mean one will completely die off, it just depends on if they have the ability to successfully reproduce. Evolution occurs when there are changes in inheritance or even cultural changes that takes place upon several generations. I find evolution to be responsible for all changes in generations whether it is a big or small change. These adaptations can create an advancement for some, however, I think the phrase “survival of the fittest” should be focused more on the species ability to reproduce rather than on characteristics such as speed or strength. I would say evolution is a very complex theory because it does not provide a set of constant changes that researchers can look for in each generation. There is very little we know about the beginning of human life, so it’s hard to have a starting variable when it comes to studying evolution. However, I do believe there is enough scientific proof to argue that evolution is more than an idea, but rather a proven theory.


  1. Hey Lauren! Very interesting and great points about evolution and how you would define it. I too always have thought of evolution as survival of the fittest, but diving deeper I now know that is not the case. Great post

  2. Hi Lauren!
    I had a pretty similar explanation of evolution in my post and totally agree with the points you made. I too think that survival of the fittest relates more to your ability to survive and reproduce rather than the characteristics of speed or strength. I really enjoyed reading your post!


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