Blog Post: Module 11
For this blog post, I decided to write about Rachel Carlton Abrams Ted Talk that is over (R)evolutionary Medicine. She first starts her talk explaining a simple prescription that we can help us in our daily lives. That simple prescription revolves around getting into alignment with our evolutionary nature. She states how there is a split between the life and environment that we have evolved to thrive in and the life and environment that majority of us are living in. She begins to worry me with the statement how that for the first time in our country, our children are expected to have shorter life spans due to the exposure to diseases of civilization. You would think with the amount of technology and resources we have nowadays, children would be expected to live longer and healthier lives than their parents. She explains how children will suffer from high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
So in order to solve this issue we need to dive deeper into our evolutionary wisdom and think of ourselves as human animals. Our basic needs are eating, moving, sleeping, loving, and making meaning. Our eating habits have become severally unhealthy over the years due to many chemical and pesticides within our foods. Our moving has drastically decreased because majority of the country suffers from back pain due to sitting behind a desk all day. Our sleeping habits have been affected by caffeine and too much screen time. Our lack of sleep can lead to depression, poor performances at work or school, and even obesity. Love is an important factor in our lives and it is what helps calm us. Many of these factors can be affected by ones environment and the culture habits they have at home. And finally, us humans enjoy living a meaningful and purposeful life. We are constantly thinking about the impacts from our lives and how we can create and direct our purpose into something amazing. She even states how “having a sense of meaning and purpose in you life can actually extend your life span by years”. While I knew sleeping, moving, and eating had an immense impact on an individuals health, I didn’t know how much a person’s meaning can have on their health.
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