
Showing posts from September, 2021

Blog Post Module 3

    When I first think of the term fitness, my head goes straight to people working out at the gym, really pumping some iron, or going on a really long run. However, from attending this week’s lecture, it completely changed my thought process as I received more insight on the evolutionary/biology perspective on fitness. Fitness in biology is not how strong and powerful one is, but instead, it is actually the process of how phenotypes can be passed onto the next generation through the gene pool. Fitness can be measured in a natural population by measuring an organism’s reproductive success, so basically just by keeping track of how many offspring an organism is able to reproduce. Therefore, an organism would be considered biologically fit if it were to produce a greater number of offspring. One example I have in mind is the bullfrog species. In order to quantify fitness, I would have to look at different mutations across the species, their environment, predators also ...

Blog Post Module 2

1. I picked Darwin's idea of descent with modification: species change through time (microevolution). 2. From reading an article from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, I gathered evidence for Darwin’s idea of species changing throughout time. Based off the reading, I learned more about how mutations within species happen by chance and not all adaptations allow for a species to have a better chance for survival. The survival of a species is not random, instead it heavily depends on their inherited traits. Similar to what we are being taught in class, not all mutations or adaptations are necessarily “better” for species survival rate. Genetic variations occur when organisms produce more offspring than that of which can possibly survive, therefore, only the offspring that can adjust to the environment they are born in, will survive. The ones that are able to survive are the ones that are more likely to pass on the new traits to their offspring, which ultimately create...

Blog Post Module 1: Reflection Prompt

I would explain evolution as a adaptions or changes that develop over different periods of generations. I find evolution very hard to study since we are not given a constant set of changes to look for. I always find myself arguing with the phrase, “survival of the fittest”, because I immediately think species would have to be stronger, faster, and have the ability to overpower those around them. While I do take those qualities into account, I would argue how that shouldn't be the main focus of what evolution truly is. I do believe evolution goes hand in hand with the advancement of species surviving, but the term “fittest” can be interpreted different ways. I think that in some environments animals need to be a certain color or size in order to survive, however, just because one animal is brown and the other is red doesn’t exactly mean one will completely die off, it just depends on if they have the ability to successfully reproduce. Evolution occurs when there are changes in inher...