Blog Post Module 7
From taking this class, I feel that one thing I have personally gained some real breakthroughs from, was through the R exercises. Before coming into this course, I didn’t know a single thing about coding and though I am still nowhere near becoming a pro, I’m proud of how far I’ve come with somewhat knowing how to code. I still have many, many questions when it comes to each individual R exercise, but I’ve learned to utilize the class book more often when I’m in need of help and to ask questions during class. While revisiting my original blog post where I defined evolution, I related evolution as adaptions or changes that develop over different periods of generations. I still do believe that evolution is adaptions continuously developing over time, however, it is not the sole factor in which evolution is driven by. I have to acknowledge the other evolutionary mechanisms that effect how evolution changes across generations. Without even knowing, I believe in my original blog...